
Become a part of the old Vanilla world. Set up your client according to our guide.

If you have any questions, read the FAQ first. In case you don’t find the answer, you can try asking on our IRC.

Most our services are to be found on the web page of the TwinStar project, under which Kronos belongs.

Account Manager

In order to play on Kronos, you need a game account created in the account manager.

Account manager also contains many useful features like the character auction or donate system. You can purchase Stars through the donate system, and for these Stars you can then buy special mounts, pets or tabards that cannot be obtained in-game.
You cannot buy any gear this way!
However, in our character auction you can spend your Stars on characters that were leveled up by Kronos players.


On our forum you can take part in numerous lively discussions, suggest improvements for the server or comment on what you don’t like.
There are also various videos from our players, guides, sections dedicated to both PVE and PVP and many others.

If you encounter a player violating server rules by misbehaving, abusing a bug etc., you can (and are obliged to) report him to the forum Blacklist.

If you want to become a part of the community you need to create a separate forum account. With this account you can also log in to our TwinHEAD database.


Kronos has its own Armory, where you can search for characters, guilds and various statistics like Honor ranking.

The armory contains a talent calculator.


It’s our gaming database, where you can find information concerning NPCs, quests, zones etc. It includes plenty of features: Bosskills, detailed statistics from every instance encounter, changelog and much more.

It is also a place where you are supposed to report bugs you find in-game (and only them!) – malfunctioning quests, NPCs, items, spells etc.

Realm Merge

Dear players of Kronos,

This is the announcement we are sure you have been tearing your hair out waiting to see. You must wait no longer. The team here have been working endlessly to prepare ourselves for the upcoming merge. We now have a lot more details to introduce to you. First of all. You’re probably wondering when the merge will occur. We are happy to announce that the merge will occur on Wednesday 15th March 2017. The servers will be brought down shortly after the honor and instance reset for the week. Which occurs at 6:00 AM server time. We expect the merge to take anywhere between 2 to 6 hours to complete. This allows time for everything to finish correctly.

We know you have plenty of questions and we’re here to try to help answer as many of these questions as we can. The purpose of this post is to reassure you of all of your worries and let you know that everything will be okay.


Character Limits

One of the most frequently asked questions concerns exceeding the limit for allowed characters on an account.To solve this issue we have created a character stash system. This uses in game commands to swap characters between your active account and your stash. There are many different commands that will be useful for you, these include:

  • .character stash

Allows you to list all of the available commands for the stash

  • .character stash list

Shows you the list of characters currently in the character stash

  • .character stash add <name>

Moves a character from your active account and puts it into your character stash

  • .character stash remove <name>

Moves a character from the character stash onto the active account

  • .character stash switch <name1> <name2>

Allows you to swap characters in and out of storage with just one command instead of two



The next biggest concern is about names – how are character and guild names handled. We have come up with a solution for both characters and guilds.

Character Names

The way we will handle character names is based on the highest /played time. The character with the highest /played time will keep the name. The character with the lowest /played time will be given a free name change. Upon trying to log into the character they will be forced to enter a new name and will not be able to enter the world until they choose their new name.

Guild Names

Guild names will be decided on the oldest creation date. The guild that has been running for the longest time will keep the name, the newest version of the guild will be renamed to something similar to the original name. The guild master will then have the option to message one of the Head Game Masters to manually rename the guild to something of their choice.


Character Deletion

We want as little characters to be deleted as possible. Which is why we are giving you this opportunity to make sure none of your valuable characters will be deleted. During the process of the merge. Any characters with less than 60 minutes /played and have not been logged in since the 1st January 2017 will be deleted!

To avoid any of your characters being deleted, make sure you log into all of your characters. Even logging in for just a second and then logging back out will ensure your character will be safe.

Any characters that have been issued a permanent ban before the 1st January 2017 will also be deleted. This includes any Warden bans and any GM applied bans.

Please note: The deletion of the characters cannot be reverted. Please ensure all characters you wish to keep have been logged in since the 1st January 2017.


Items, Mailbox and Auction House

We believe that auctions will not be affected by the merge. However, we highly recommend that all auctions are canceled manually. This will ensure that absolutely no items are lost.

During the merge. We believe mailboxes will remain untouched. All items in the mailbox from any source will be kept in your mailbox. There should be no issues with this. All mail is assigned to character ID and not the character name. Changing your name will not cause any issue with any mail.

The same will occur for CODs. Any returns or payment will be sent back to your character regardless of any name changes. It is all bound to character IDs.

Despite the above. We highly recommend emptying your mailbox if it is possible. This would create less room for any error to occur.


Twinstar Account Manager and Player Auctions

Our plans for the Twinstar Auctions are very simple. Before the merge, all auctions will be canceled and any bids will be returned to their respective owner. During the merge, the Twinstar Player Auctions will be temporarily unavailable until the merge is complete. The feature will be re-accessible once the merge is completed.

After the merge, the website will still show stats related to Kronos II. These will be redundant and will be removed after the next few following days. Similarly, in the account manager, Kronos II will still be on the list but will be useless and will be removed when the new account manager arrives.


Public Test Realm

During the merge, all of the characters on the PTR will be deleted. Anything you have added will be removed. The PTR will then be repopulated with updated information from the newly merged database. Effectively creating a carbon copy of your current character at the time of the merge. Further information about the PTR and Naxxramas will be explained in a standalone news post.

We hope that this has answered all, or at least most of your questions. We will make sure to keep you updated on any new announcements as usual through our social media pages. You can also contact Game Masters in Discord or IRC to help clarify any points if you still have questions.

We appreciate your continued support and are extremely excited to see you on the other side of this momentous event. Until then, take care and prepare yourself for the merge.


The Kronos Team