
Become a part of the old Vanilla world. Set up your client according to our guide.

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Most our services are to be found on the web page of the TwinStar project, under which Kronos belongs.

Account Manager

In order to play on Kronos, you need a game account created in the account manager.

Account manager also contains many useful features like the character auction or donate system. You can purchase Stars through the donate system, and for these Stars you can then buy special mounts, pets or tabards that cannot be obtained in-game.
You cannot buy any gear this way!
However, in our character auction you can spend your Stars on characters that were leveled up by Kronos players.


On our forum you can take part in numerous lively discussions, suggest improvements for the server or comment on what you don’t like.
There are also various videos from our players, guides, sections dedicated to both PVE and PVP and many others.

If you encounter a player violating server rules by misbehaving, abusing a bug etc., you can (and are obliged to) report him to the forum Blacklist.

If you want to become a part of the community you need to create a separate forum account. With this account you can also log in to our TwinHEAD database.


Kronos has its own Armory, where you can search for characters, guilds and various statistics like Honor ranking.

The armory contains a talent calculator.


It’s our gaming database, where you can find information concerning NPCs, quests, zones etc. It includes plenty of features: Bosskills, detailed statistics from every instance encounter, changelog and much more.

It is also a place where you are supposed to report bugs you find in-game (and only them!) – malfunctioning quests, NPCs, items, spells etc.

Final Stress Test and End of Beta

In anticipation of our launch we would like to inform you that the open Beta will be coming to an end during Monday the 23rd of March. One day before this we would like to perform a final stress test, that means in one week on Sunday the 22nd starting at 8PM CET. We hope you will show up in huge numbers to test our recent improvements to server performance and stability. Additionally you will have access to items up to itemlevel 81 and access to rank 14 gear for the last days of the beta.

We want to thank everybody who participated in the Open Beta and were very impressed with the effort and diligence put into many of your reports. Until the launch we will do our very best to solve as many issues and implement as many missing details as we possibly can. We hope to see you all for the final stress test and after that on launch day!

For those interested, below you will find the probably biggest changelog so far, much of which is the result of work of the recent weeks.

Spells (37)
#3681 Resolved an issue where the normal Faerie Fire and Faerie Fire Feral would stack.
#2899 Now appears near “Bubbling Fissure” in the Water, allowing players to breath.
#3054 Aimed Shot no longer resets the timer of Auto Shot.
#3258 Fixed a glitch allowing use of Auto Shot and simultaneous drinking.
#2930 Removed delay before Flare takes effect.
#3072 A Hunter’s pet will now correctly appear next to the Hunter after being revived.
#3349 Added Diminishing Return and Heartbeat resist.
#4300 Corrected spell functionality.
#4036 Will now again proc properly from “Improved Blizzard”, “Ice Armor” and “Frost Armor”.
#4097 Fall damage is again no longer absorbed.
#2774 No longer benefits from spell damage bonuses.
#2902 AB and WSG now each have their correct Berserking Effect and should therefore also exhibit correct behavior in case an affected player uses Divine Shield.
#3508 Now scales with “Sanctity Aura”.
#3129 Improved Lay on Hands will now buff the targeted Player accordingly.
#4297 Corrected spell functionality.
#3819 Solved an display issue where “absorbed” damage was turned into “missed” damage.
#4084 Displays absorbed damage in the Combat Log.
#4299 Corrected spell functionality.
#3331 Solved visual issue.
#3186 Completely reworked threat handling for Shaman totems.
#3184 Damage is now properly increased by 10% of your Spell Damage.
#2997 Corrected spell damage coefficient.
#2998 Corrected spell damage coefficient.
#3248 Will now function properly again.
#3275 Eye of Kilrogg can now be summoned while having a pet up.
#3262 Death Coil will now properly consume a charge of Improved Shadow Bolt.
#2944 Fixed several mechanical issues caused by core alterations.
#3190 Disarmed NPC’s are no longer able to use weapon dependent spells.
#3182 Retaliatory strikes are no longer possible when stunned.
#3313 Will now also correctly modify melee attack speed.
#3377 Will despawn after some time, if it is not enslaved.
#3237 Corrected health gain and health loss.
#605 Corrected animation and randomized amount of toads spawned.
#2499 Corrected spawn mechanic of Lost One Rift Travelers.
#2894 Now only increases damage from a randomly determined range of 1-10%.
#3801 Damage done is now transferred back to the caster.
#363 Skeletons summoned by this totem should no longer despawn along with the totem in case it is destroyed but rather have to be killed individually.
Mechanics (5)
#3504 Mob behavior on evade / flee Minor adjustments to ensure NPCs always resume fighting after fleeing.
#2854 NPC Experience Corrected experience gain, reputation gain and quest progression from NPCs that were partially damaged by other players and or NPCs.
#3179 NPC Parry chance Added missing Parry chance to numerous NPCs.
#3550 Shaman Totem Parried Attack Shaman Totems do not parry anymore.
#2190 Summoned minion’s death animation Summoned minions now have the correct animation and despawn time upon death and no longer simply “vanish”.
General (17)
#3276 Aggro Radius NPC’s now got the correct aggro radius for players.
#3031 Arcane Elementals (Arcane Immunity) Added arcane immunity to the listed NPC’s.
#3800 Breath underwater near scholomance Corrected a location where you cant breath anymore.
#3259 Caster AI When a casters’ target becomes immune to their spell, caster NPCs will finish their current cast and then attempt to engage their target in melee combat.
#3030 Fire Elementals (Fire Immunity) Added fire immunity to the listed fire elementals.
#3171 Gelkis and Magram Clan NPC’s Turning on “At War” with a Faction which is neutral or unfriendly towards the player, the Mob/NPC will not attack on sight anymore.
Graveyards Alliance players dying in Mulgore and Thunder Bluff are now ported to Bloodhoof Village graveyard as they should instead of Ratchet. Fixed graveyard for Alliance in Ratchet
#3810 Hammerfall – Troll Attack Event/Patrol Bug Added event where Hammerfall will be attacked by Witherbark Trolls.
#3224 Kiting Minor improvements to path calculation when kiting NPCs.
#3163 Loot Mechanics You can no longer cast spells while looting a corpse or an object!
#3619 Mobs in Coldridge Valley Resolved an issue where Mobs started to float above the ground when fighting in mellee range.
#3635 Monsters pathing behavior Mobs finding their right position back will now walk in a normal speed.
#4065 Moonwell in SW Park Removed the cooked meats that was in the Moonwell.
#3843 NPC’s run away in fear at low HP Several NPC’s now run in fear at low HP.
#2914 Pyrewood Night Adjusted event timer by one hour and added missing patrol.
#3343 Reputation Spillover Corrected for Faction teams: Alliance, Horde and Steamwheedle Cardet.
#3227 Script summoned mobs Summoned minions will now engage the target when the summoning is finished.
Quests (62)
#3716 Corrected quest description.
Classes – Hunter
#3411 Corrected experience reward on completion.
Classes – Priest
#1934 Corrected Guard Roberts’ faction so that he is no longer attacked by wolves.
Classes – Warlock
#3608 Corrected spawn of objects.
Dungeons – Blackrock Spire
Added missing event triggered by quest completion.
Eastern Kingdoms – Alterac Mountains
#3045 Corrected level requirement.
Eastern Kingdoms – Badlands
#3057 This quest is now available for level 30+.
#3058 Lowered respawn time for Quest objective’s.
Eastern Kingdoms – Duskwood
#3243 Corrected the required level to accept the quest.
Eastern Kingdoms – Eastern Plaguelands
Required level changed to 60. Now rewards 100 reputation with the Argent Dawn.
#3130 Corrected reputation gains and level requirements for various of the Craftsman’s Writ quests.
Now rewards 100 reputation with the Argent Dawn.
Required level changed to 60. Now rewards 100 reputation with Argent Dawn.
Required level changed to 60. Now rewards 100 reputation with the Argent Dawn.
Now rewards 100 reputation with the Argent Dawn.
Now rewards 100 reputation with the Argent Dawn.
Now rewards 100 reputation with the Argent Dawn.
Required level changed to 55. Now rewards 100 reputation with Argent Dawn.
Now rewards 100 reputation with the Argent Dawn.
#3497 Resolved pathfinding issues.
Eastern Kingdoms – Northern Stranglethorn
#3063 Now stays at the anvil when crafting the weapon.
Eastern Kingdoms – Redridge Mountains
#3937 Corrected spawn location of 1 Mud.
Eastern Kingdoms – Stormwind City
#3266 Corrected requirements and added “stage by stage” unlocking for all cloth donation quests.
#2342 Fixed a bug that made that quest hard to complete.
#1978 The event is now fully scripted and works as intended!
Eastern Kingdoms – Tirisfal Glades
#3398 Lowered respawn time of “Tirisfal Pumpkin”.
Kalimdor – Darkshore
Corrected quest completion text.
Fixed quest-gameobjects relation for the whole quest line.
Kalimdor – Durotar
#4111 Corrected emote text and added delay timer between emote and dailogue.
#4066 Changed emote that appears after completing the Quest.
Kalimdor – Dustwallow Marsh
#3528 Works again accordingly.
Kalimdor – Felwood
#2022 This escort quest is now working as intended.
Kalimdor – Northern Barrens
#3910 Lowered respawn time of the Flying Machine.
#3512 Removed quest requirement.
#3517 Changed quest requirement from “Supplies for the Crossroads” to “Disrupt the Attacks”.
#2653 A short event will start after completing the Quest.
Kalimdor – Silithus
#3396 Now only available after completing the Quest “Cenarion Battlegear”.
#3399 Now only available after completing the Quest “Cenarion Battlegear”.
#3400 Now only available after completing the Quest “Cenarion Battlegear”.
Kalimdor – Tanaris
#127 Patrol path corrected and aggro behavior adjusted.
Kalimdor – Thousand Needles
#2958 “Pao’ka Swiftmountain” has no more a death animation at the end of the escort.
#3673 Now shows the required items to complete the Quest.
#3674 Now shows the required items to complete the Quest.
#3676 Now shows the required items to complete the Quest.
#3011 Available at level 10 from “Human Orphan”, requires to complete “You scream, I scream”, “Jaina’s autograph” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Darnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan exiles.
#3847 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Cairne’s hoofprint”, “You scream, I scream. . .”, “Lordaeron throne room” and rewards 1650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity and Darkspear Trolls.
#3574 Increased size of the area where the Questitem “Crate with Holes” can be used.
#3841 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Down at the docks”, “Gateway to the frontier”, “Lordaeron throne room” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity and Darkspear Trolls.
#3848 Now rewards 50 Reputation towards Darnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan exiles.
#3861 Now rewards 50 Reputation towards Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity and Darkspear Trolls.
#2946 Corrected an unintended delay in the script as well as an issue with the spawn location of Pirate’s Treasure.
#3837 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Children’s Week” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity and Darkspear Trolls.
#2728 Can be completed inside Uldaman via the item “Talvash’s Phial of Scrying”.
#3838 Available at level 10 and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity and Darkspear Trolls.
#3857 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Spooky lighthouse”, “The bough of the eternals”, “The Stonewrought dam” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Darnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan exiles.
#3380 To complete the Quest, the quest objective has to be achieved first.
#3395 Lowered respawn time of “Marla’s Grave”.
#3849 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Children’s Week” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Darnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan exiles.
#3850 Available at level 10 and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Darnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan exiles.
#3851 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Children’s Week” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Darnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan exiles.
#3852 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Spooky lighthouse”, “The bough of the eternals”, “The Stonewrought dam” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Darnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan exiles.
#3844 Available at level 10, requires to complete “Down at the docks”, “Gateway to the frontier”, “Lordaeron throne room” and rewards 650 XP and 50 Reputation towards Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity and Darkspear Trolls.
NPCs (141)
Alterac Mountains
#3992 Doesnt make any weird moves anymore.
#3369 Corrected ability usage of Intimidating Shout.
#4330 Corrected loot issue.
#4329 Corrected loot issue.
#4249 Now moves around.
Alterac Valley
#3307 No longer drops various incorrect items.
Arathi Highlands
#3172 Health, armor and damage corrections.
#3204 Removed some duplicate spawns near Tarren Mill.
#3046 Linked with his three guards.
#4326 Corrected loot issue.
#4328 Corrected loot issue.
#3056 Health and armor corrections and addition of missing spells.
#3173 Health and armor corrections.
#4152 Added missing ability “Frost Nova”.
#4189 Added missing ability “Corrupt Forces of Nature”.
#4175 Added missing spell “Coat of Thistlefur”.
#3741 Calls for help at 50% HP.
#4170 Now moving around.
#4174 Added display of the ability “Thrash” in the Combat Log.
#4139 Corrected running speed.
#4197 Added missing ability “Rain of Fire”, corrected ability usage of “Gift of Xavian” and will not run away in fear on low HP anymore.
#2124 Correctly using ranged attacks now.
#3809 Corrected ability usage of “Fire Nova”.
#3324 Now moving around and solved pathfinding issue.
Blackrock Spire
#3200 Removed wrong spawns of this creature from UBRS.
#4104 Corrected pathfinding issue.
Burning Steppes
#3255 Flamekin Packs in the Burning Steppes are now linked properly.
#4159 Corrected spawn location.
#3731 Cannot be skinned anymore.
#3732 Cannot be skinned anymore.
#3668 Corrected ability usage of “Enrage”.
#3733 Cannot be skinned anymore.
Deadwind Pass
#3099 Added to the world.
#3100 Added to the world.
Dire Maul
#3297 No longer uses mana burn before death.
#3102 Corrected spawn position.
#3613 Corrected running speed.
Dun Morogh
#3624 Corrected ability usage of “Weak Frostbolt”.
Removed some wrong spawns.
#3859 Lowered respawn time.
#3500 Added Voidwalker Minion and it will be summoned when the Master is just spawned.
#3502 Added Voidwalker Minion and it will be summoned when the Master is just spawned.
#2951 Corrected level.
#2758 Added 3 missing quotes.
Dustwallow Marsh
#4361 Corrected loot issue.
#3893 Added missing abilities: “Improved Blocking”, “Shield Bash”, “Defensive Stance”, “Shield Wall”.
#3906 Corrected ability usage of “Battle Fury”.
Some of them will now patrol the area.
#3607 Corrected location.
Eastern Plaguelands
#3354 Corrected the spawning location.
Elwynn Forest
#3789 Corrected patrol way.
#3158 Corrected issues causing wolves to sometimes kill Guard Roberts.
Now uses the correct model.
#3572 Corrected patrol way.
#3549 Solved pathfinding issue.
#4240 Will aggro the player when beeing to close to the Kobold Laborer.
#2167 Correctly using ranged attacks now.
#3787 Corrected loot issue.
Hillsbrad Foothills
#1041 Removed incorrect items from loot.
Added missing patrol path.
Added missing patrol path.
Added missing patrol path.
Molten Core
#3092 Movement speed while patrolling significantly increased. Patrol path inverted.
#2621 Corrected the aggro radius of Flame Imp packs!
No longer casts Dark Mending on self.
#3639 Solved pathfinding issue.
#3860 Now only available during “Children’s Week” Event.
Razorfen Downs
#3294 Now linked with all Splinterbone Skeletons.
Razorfen Kraul
#3773 Corrected ability usage of “Left for Dead”.
#3769 Added a missing guard called “Razorfen Spearhide”.
Redridge Mountains
#3761 Corrected loot issue.
#3938 Added missing spell “Summon Succubus” and corrected ability usage of “Minion of Morganth”.
Searing Gorge
#2608 Corrected location.
Shadowfang Keep
#2920 Added missing abilities and corrected animations.
#4228 Corrected ability usage of “Enrage”.
Silverpine Forest
#2667 Added missing spells.
Stonetalon Mountains
#3924 Corrected mob behaviour where it was floating above the ground when fighting in mellee range.
#4038 Added missing ability “Dust Cloud”.
#4030 Added missing ability “Thrash” and flees on low HP.
#3926 Corrected mob behaviour where it was floating above the ground when fighting in mellee range.
#1007 No longer attempts to run away in fear.
#4059 Now moving around and changed location.
#3923 Solved pathfinding issue.
#3927 Corrected mob behaviour where it was floating above the ground when fighting in mellee range.
#3315 Resolved loot issues for this NPC.
#3675 Corrected ability usage of “Intimidating Roar”.
#3948 Solved pathfinding issue.
Stormwind City
#1014 Corrected spawn location and offers Quest accordingly to the “Children’s Week” Event.
Stranglethorn Vale
#4004 Damage dealt increased.
#3730 Corrected ability usage of “Stealth”.
#3247 Adjusted this creatures Enrage ability.
#3585 Added missing spells.
#2841 Lowered the amount of “Morning Glory Dew” and “Alterac Swiss” that can drop.
#2952 Now also casts Mind Blast in human form
#3281 Lumbering Horror now is level 61.
#3238 Damage dealt and Ability usage of “Raise Undead Scarab” corrected.
#3596 Changed spawn location.
#3503 Resolved an issue with this NPCs spellcasting behavior.
The Barrens
#3277 Got correct rare spawn loot now.
#3645 Corrected ability usage of Intimidating Shout.
#3703 Resolved loot issue.
#3817 Corrected ability usage of “Thunderclap”.
#3846 Now immune to fear / stun / sleep effects instead of snares / roots.
Added missing patrol path.
#3526 Added missing spell.
#4000 Now patrols together with Jorb.
#4275 Summoned Totems from nearby “Razormane Seer” wont attack “Lok Orcbane” anymore.
#3836 Now moves around and runs away in fear on low HP.
#3911 Corrected ability usage of “Thunderclap”.
#3822 Added ability “Thunderclap” and is now moving around.
#2956 Changed spawn location.
The Deadmines
#3539 Solved pathfinding issue.
The Hinterlands
#4248 Corrected spawn location.
Tirisfal Glades
#4068 Corrected ability usage of “Shield Bash”.
#4356 Corrected loot issue.
#3356 Now moves around.
#4211 Now moving around.
#4085 Corrected Human language display towards the Horde.
Will now patrol the Rogue’s Quarter.
Western Plaguelands
#3115 Added missing yell upon engaging this NPC.
#3447 Corrected ability usage of Flash Freeze.
#3289 Added missing spell and corrected stats.
#4253 Doesnt say: “More bones to gnaw on…” anymore.
#3914 Solved pathfinding issue.
Added missing patrol path.
#3799 Corrected positioning.
Damage corrected and fire immunity added.
#3510 Added missing spell.
#3344 Corrected ability usage of Enrage.
Added missing items to loot table.
Multiple Locations
#3385 Solved pathfinding issue.
#1303 Fixed loot for more than a hundred rare creatures.
#3095 Reduced frequency of Ink Spray cast.
#3170 Added spawns, patrols, and abilities for this creature.
#3829 Corrected ability usage of “Head Butt”.
#4173 Corrected ability usage of “Frenzied Rage”.
Unknown Location
#3300 Corrected stats and spawn of the NPC.
#3686 Corrected respawn time.
#3090 No longer rewards experience.
#3280 Corrected damage values.
#3228 Now immune to fire effects and other various debuffs.
Items (13)
You should now be able to summon (and use) a portal to the area of Karazhan.
#3501 Cannot attack anymore.
#4013 Increased drop chance to 5%.
#3285 Can no longer be looted through the wall of the house.
#2949 Corrected the spawning locations of Ghost Mushrooms.
#4333 Now drops only from “Hammerspine”.
#4362 Now only drops from “Splinter Fist Ogre”.
#4018 Corrected second set bonus display.
#3352 Corrected proc chance of the poison effect.
#4325 Now drops only from “Gesharahan”.
#3077 It is no longer possible to obtain two Soul Shards from the death of a single creature.
#2829 Corrected chances for misuse effects.
#2541 Will now grant the well fed bonus as intended.
Objects (9)
#2906 Quest object can be looted now.
#3606 Changed location.
#3205 Fixed an issue preventing players from looting this container.
#3620 Lowered respawn time. Additionally, lowered respawn time of “Ammo Crate” too.
#3858 Lowered respawn time.
#3210 Fixed an issue preventing players from looting this container.
#4026 This object is now invisible.
#3105 Should now be loot-able properly when on the according quest.
#3705 Corrected respawn time.